
Detroit 12V71N Marine

  • Detroit 12V71N Marine
  • Detroit 12V71N Marine
  • Detroit 12V71N Marine
  • Detroit 12V71N Marine
  • Detroit 12V71N Marine
  • Detroit 12V71N Marine
  • Detroit 12V71N Marine

Model Name: 12V71 Detroi

Price: $23,850.00

12V71N Detroit Diesel natural marine engine, completely remanufactured. It includes marine manifolds, starter, marine flywheel housing, marine governor, heat exchange tank. This is a keel cooled engine. Selbor Diesel & Marine Motors is the largest distributor of new and used parts and engine assemblies for all Detroit Diesel engine applications in Panama. We do everything from long blocks to complete rebuild engines such as this 12V71N Detroit marine engine. Please do not forget to look into our other Marine Motors Caterpillar, Cummins, used parts,marine transmission Allison and Twindisc and used parts. 

weight: 3450.00 Lbs.

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